3. Combining Summons with Spells
The real power of the Cerulean Hidden Tear lies in its ability to allow you to combine powerful summons with spells that target an enemy’s weakness or maximize damage.
Spellcasting: Spells like Comet Azur, Stars of Ruin, or Glintstone Pebble are highly effective when cast during a vulnerable moment. With the Cerulean Hidden Tear active, you can cast these high-damage spells freely while your summons distracts the boss, allowing you to Elden Ring Items to maintain consistent pressure on the enemy.
Buffing Spells: While summoning powerful spirits, you can also use your FP for buffing spells like Flame, Grant Me Strength, h, or Golden Vow to boost your damage even further. The Cerulean Hidden Tear lets you freely cast these buffs without worrying about conserving FP, which is especially useful in long and difficult boss fights.
4. Maximizing Damage During a Boss’s Weakest Phase
Many bosses have a distinct “weak phase,” such as a stagger or post-death animation. These moments present the best opportunity to deal with l large amounts of damage without interruption. To best place to buy elden ring items take full advantage, plan your Cerulean Hidden Tear use accordingly.
Post-Stagger Damage: After you stagger a boss, there’s often a small window of time where they are vulnerable. If you use the Cerulean Hidden Tear during this time, you can summon multiple spirits, cast high-damage spells, and deal with your target without worrying about FP depletion. This is particularly useful against tough bosses with multiple phases, where you need to capitalize on a small opportunity to inflict damage.
Boss Phase Transition: Bosses like Radahn, Malenia, or Godfrey often enter a more dangerous second phase after a series of attacks or a specific animation. During these transitions, use the Cerulean Hidden Tear to summon multiple spirits and cast spells to inflict as much damage as possible before the boss regains full strength.