Here’s how to approach DPS repositioning during various phases of a fight:
1. Maintain Optimal Range
Ranged DPS: Ranged players need to Diablo 4 Items stay at the maximum effective distance to the boss, ensuring they are out of the range of any melee attacks or AoE abilities that could hit them. If the boss starts using new abilities in a phase transition that requires close-range combat, ranged players should move back to a safe distance.
Reposition to Avoid AoE: Many bosses use AoE attacks like ground slams, fireballs, or area-wide poison clouds. Always reposition yourself to avoid overlapping with these AoEs. Often, there will be a safe spot within the arena that will minimize the damage you take.
Utilize Movement Abilities: If your build has teleports, dashes, or speed buffs, you can reposition more effectively, ensuring you stay mobile while maintaining your DPS uptime.
Melee DPS: Melee DPS players need to be especially mindful of staying close to the boss, but not in the line of fire for new abilities. Melee players may need to adjust their positioning to avoid circle AoEs, rotating laser beams, or telegraphed stomp attacks.
Reposition During Charge or Leap Attacks: If the boss begins a charging or leap attack, melee DPS players should reposition to the side or behind the boss to avoid being hit.
Circle the Boss: Constant movement is key for melee DPS. Often, positioning behind the boss is ideal for avoiding frontal cone attacks, but if the boss has multiple attacks, you should be prepared to Diablo 4 Items for sale circle the boss to find an optimal angle.